: +91 7720080687 | : info@heal-thy.co.in

Heal-thy Manufacturing

Heal-thy maintains strict quality parameters for the manufacturing and distribution of products. We believe to deliver the highest level of quality through our manufacturing and customer satisfaction.

Currently, Heal-thy pharmaceuticals works with a Contract Manufacturer who is certified with WHO-GMP certificate and are renowned globally for their quality and timely product delivery. This CMO is equipped with its own Quality Control and Analysis Lab, and shares our long-standing commitment to operational excellence and continuous improvement.

This CMO also has a state-of-the-art laboratory with the advanced infrastructure and procedures to support a stringent quality policy. At the manufacturing site, the latest analytical equipment and perfectly monitored quality control systems ensures consistent quality of our products. There is a frequent check-up on processes, test methods, as well as periodic calibration of all instruments and tools, to give quality products.

With a qualified, trained and dedicated work force we try to maintain adherence to established quality standards during manufacturing assures safety and efficacy of drug products.

The company is also in the process of creating its own Manufacturing facility and Quality Analysis Lab with all the standards required for both domestic and export markets.